FullSack Freelance Developer
2022-2024Application Mobile Droneogbook / FlySafe
DroneLogbook / FlySafe Mobile Application
Conception et développement d'une application mobile compagnon pour le compte de Dronelogbook et FlySafe avec React Native. L'application est utilisée dans la gestion des missions de drones incluant un usage avancé des systèmes de cartographie (MapBox) ainsi que de la communication au drone pour la remontée des logs. L'application est disponible sur les stores iOS et Android.
Design and development of a companion mobile application for Dronelogbook and FlySafe using React Native. The application is used for managing drone missions, featuring advanced mapping systems (MapBox) and drone communication for log retrieval. The app is available on both iOS and Android stores.
AlgoGems Mobile Application
Design and development of a companion mobile application for the AlgoGems platform (a platform for buying, selling, and trading NFTs). The app allows users to browse NFTs for sale, purchase NFTs, and trade NFTs. The application was fully developed using Flutter.